Saturday, June 19, 2010


I've spoken with my counselor and she assures me this is NOT a starvation diet. The reason is, because of the acupressure beads manipulating the hypothalamus gland, the body does not slow it's metabolism, nor eat up your muscle or organ tissue for breakfast. People retain their muscles mass, which is why so many look toned as they lose, rather than really saggy and baggy. Though I'm sure those that are losing in the range of 60-100 pounds or more do have pockets of droopy skin to deal with.  She told me many doctors have done this diet just to see how it works, after their patients come in minus the weight they've carried for years. And all the numbers get better -- triglycerides, cholesterol, even hypothyroid people improve. That's the only medication I take (thyroid)  --don't believe statin drugs are safe, nor do I trust the pharmaceutical supported research that says it "works." Did you know that lots  of research shows that women with higher cholesterol levels live the longest? Dont' believe me --read The Cholesterol Myth, or go to and check out their cholesterol writings. My Dad had very low cholesterol which is associated with depression and cancer, both of which he suffered with. He died of bladder cancer at age 69.

Got up this Saturday at 5 and wasn't feeling quite as good as yesterday-- did a yoga and chi gong tape, with LEE HOLDEN (he's great!) some gardening and it was still 6 hours till LUNCH.  (A glass of milk in some shape or form.)  Today the hunger pangs are evident despite massaging the acupressure beads diligently. Though they do come and go and maybe I haven't been drinking quite enough water? I've read on the List Serve that people lose the most after milk days.. I can see why.

I did  lose another pound......and a few ounces.  190.4 this morning.
When I look in the mirror, I can really see it in my face and my stomach.
That's what keeps people doing this particular diet -- the rewards are there and they are highly motivating.

My granddaughter and my sister are coming today and both will spend the night. Got to get ready!
kinda wish this was a veggie/fruit day so I could eat more normally in the afternoon. On well, I think lunch will be a mocha shake...with lots of ice in the milk and coffee and  WF choc syrup..and hour and a half till Lunch time.

BTW, if you're interested in researching the diet plan, go to or
Don't believe what you read on review websites. I found a couple and they turned out to be highly inaccurate as to what this diet program entails.

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