Losing 8.8 pounds in 9 days is a pretty significant reward, right? Still, when I stopped at my local garden center to pick up some composting accelerator, it occured to me that buying myself a present for a week of hard work, some anxiety and a lot of organization, planning and stamina was not a bad idea.
I stood in front of 2 salespeople feeling like a live blip from a Lewis Black bit.
"I'm looking for a hanging basket with a pink flower, you know, it droops down and its pink and it has these white thingys hanging down from it. And then I think there's a dark purple thing hanging from that. Butterflies love it. Did I say butterflies? No , I meant hummingbirds, they come and feed at it. It's really pretty. Pink..and something white hanging out of the bloom?" How articulate.
They were looking at me with blank stares and then one them said, "@#)#(S" --and I sighed, "Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Only I can't think of it again!! Geez.
I found one in the greenhouse. It didn't have any blooms on it, which is why I couldn't find it, but at closer inspection it was loaded with buds, so I bought it - I think it was half price - about $10 but they didn't give me an itemized reciept, so I'm not sure. I also bought netting for my blackberries, which are ripening fast and tempting the birds, composting acclerator for my new composter that seems to making muck rather than dirt (probably need to balance grass clippings with all these veggie and fruit waste) and a tomato "cage."
That was pretty funny. I never bought one before. They were sitting on the porch...a cone shape with long metal tines sticking up in the air. They looked like something that could poke my granddaughter's eye out...I tried to pick something else less threatening but it came with a pot. My tomato plant is about 18 inches tall already and has a nice little tomato on it. So I took the threatening bugger in to pay for it and said, "What are these things sticking up like this for? they look dangerous?" And a guy standing by the register said, "You stick those in the ground"
LOL! Ooops. Talking about feeling dumb. The cone gets inverted. I had to finesse my plant into it. but I mananged to do that without breaking off any limbs. I only grow one plant, stuck in my flower bed, for fun, for my husband. I usually get pretty many tomatoes-- of course they all come at once and I make him BLT's every day for a couple of weeks. I don't eat fresh tomato!
I also grow strawberries in four pots, mostly for my granddaughter to pick, and I put in a 3 green bean plants this year (she;ll be 3 in July) thinking she might actually eat a vegetable if she could pick it herself. It took me till the age of 13, working at a farm stand, to find out that green beans are actually delicious. My mother served a lot of canned stuff (the 50's--the new age of TV dinners and yucky, processed food) and I still think canned green beans are disgusting. The green beans were looking pretty sickly until I realized I better start watering them every morning. (Breaking my ankle made paying attention to my garden difficult for several weeks) Two of the 3 are perking up nicely and have about 6 beans on them. Zoe didn't notice them yet. They're not red.
I've had bigger gardens in the past, but they need to be far away from the house (where the good topsoil is) and it is too hard to water them. Plus, by early August I've usually lost interest, am too hot to keep weeding them let the zuchini grow giant sized --my sons thought they were great weapons, clobbering each other with them. There are two very industrious organic farmers with stands and money boxes within a mile from my house, really cheap produce, so I let them toil away and I reap the benefit.
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