Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First Act of Defiance

So...I did the deed. I took the first step in the dance. I applied a tiny patch with a tiny bead to a specific spot behind each of my ears. I massaged them the specified number of times and I breathed deeply the specified amount of times.

Here's what I didn't do -- eat anything. From now until 12 noon I may only drink 0 calorie beverages. From 12-6 pm I can either choose to begin the program with a "milk day" or a fruit and veggie day.  I can't decide. I've prepared by buying a gallon of fresh, raw milk from pastured cows, and a bunch of fruits and veggies. Both can deteriorate quickly, so maybe that wasn't the smartest move.

I can make some of the milk into ice cream today --flavored with Walden Farms chocolate or maple syrup that I picked up last week. and I can plan to eat the juicy strawberries, avocado, cauliflower, etc that's stacked up in my fridge (my veggie drawers have never been so stuffed) -- that sounds like a plan. I think I've decided.

At noon - I speak with my diet counselor on the phone. I've already listened to an online version of the training --accessible only after you pay the fee and get your "starter kit" with your acupressure beads.  Ther remaining questions are picayune. Can I use Truvia instead of Splenda?  Can I use butter buds? Basically --this is a starvation diet - but the beads are supposed to suppress your appetite as well as fool your body into thinking its getting sufficient calories so your metabolism doesn't shut down--and  your body doesn't start recruiting nutrients by eating up your muscle and organ tissue-- just fat -- your body starts munching on its own fat - and you drink drink drink water and whatever other 0 calorie drink you enjoy, to flush it away.  I like Zevia soda and  STEAZ --another great stevia product that incorporates Green Tea and Fizz. It better be YUM if it's the only thing you have to look forward to between the hours of 6 PM and 12 Noon the following day!

I weighed in --194.6

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