Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cheats and Taste Buds

People who are on this diet say "NO BLT's" which means "No bites, licks or tastes."  And on the listserv it is against the rules to mention any food that you cheated with, the feeling being that you're just setting up other dieters by triggering cravings for something. I did taste chili I was making for my husband, but it was only a lick to see if my sauce changes were Okay. Since I don't like the chili he likes, this didn't feel like much of a risk! LOL

  But this morning, he asked for an extra sandwich, PBJ, to tide him over at dinner time when he goes straight from work to golf league. THAT was the hardest thing I've made for him-- peanut butter was my main staple through out my childhood. The smell is extremely appealing and my gut jumped when I first opened the jar and that peanut buttery  scent wafted straight into my nose. I had a flash that if that jar stayed open for another minute, I might lose it. I closed it pronto after spreading and put it out of sight.   I did not taste it. I wiped the knife on the second piece of bread, lest I be tempted to lick THAT. I tell myself it would have tasted way too sweet. I prefer natural peanut butter, my husband likes Skippy.

Other than the tiniest taste of chili sauce,I  have not tasted, licked or bitten into anything other that the foods recommended on the diet. However, yesterday - I did "cheat" by drinking more milk than allotted. I'm guessing I had about 3 cups of milk/yogurt, rather than the allotted 2  1/2 cups. Since some of it was homemade ice milk, I wasn't quite sure, but I also decided I didn't need to be fanatic about it - I'd be losing so much. Could that actually make a difference? Possibly.

Today my weight was down only 4 ounces. When I originally weighed myself, I thought I was down another pound but something made me go back and double check. My scale is situated in front of a towel bar and if I so much as lay a finger on the towel bar, it can alter the reading. I had seen 186.6-- a pound loss. But when I rechecked (after eating my 1/2 egg)  I was only 187.2. 

Could  4 ounces of milk And half an egg)  really make a difference???

The weight loss game is a cagey one. There are so many factors, known and unknown involved. I noticed that yesterday I was forgetting to massage my acupressure beads....probably skipped 2 of the times. I didn't drink quite as many cups of water, and the mantra is, the more water you drink the more you lose.
It may have been the affect of having salt on my french fries the night before. Or some kind of internal adjustment I have no knowledge of. At any rate, it's another milk day today -- and it is said that you lose more after your 2 milk days --(and Dr. Schwartz, who runs the program our of West Orange, NJ,  suggests you only weigh in every other day anyway.) We'll see if I dump more in one day, tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my last day on this set of herbal acupressure beads. I have to say, they seem to work. I have very little trouble with appetite. And now that my blood sugar is controlled, don't have many qualms, except perhaps about boredom with the diet, to keeping with the plan.

I'm also not really disappointed with not losing a whole pound overnight. I expected that the rate of loss would slow down and I'm okay with that --7 pounds in 7 days is nothing to sniff at!

My thoughts are going to "transition" lately-- now that I have the diet plan more or less mastered, I'm starting to wonder what transition really means and how it is accomplished. My friend says she eats "anything she wants" -- so I sent her  message asking if that is code for "And due to this diet, I don't want what I used to eat."  or if she truly doesn't think too much about what she eats, and has pizza, french fries o ice cream when the spirit moves her. I"m waiting for her reply.

In the meantime, I'm starting to feel like I can think about something else other than the diet and what I'm going to eat -- a good sign and step in the right direction.

Last night I went to an adult tap class at my Alma Mater. Even though today is the day I have a return visit to my orthopedist, and I'm still supposed to be wearing an air cast on my ankle, I felt I was healed enough and that tap would provide just the right kind of challenge for both may ankles, which are tight and somewhat weakened from the break and sprain suffered 6 weeks ago.

The teacher was great- dynamic and clear. There were only two of us and we seemed equally able, so we did a lot of steps, along with stretching. I was fine until she added a spin -- and suddenly found a spot in my ankle that was seemingly not ready for that move. I stopped doing it when I felt the pain, but I also couldn't completely pivot my self around in one motion. I felt a kind of burning tear -- and iced when I got home. This morning it's fine. I think I was basically breaking up some adhesions-- Other than some brief burning pain when I got up, the ankle seems as good as it's been. Phew!

I've got a date with a woman from Canada who does tap competitions and works with teens who do tap, to meet in in the spring at one of my tours, having collaborated long distance, to perform an easy routine together. This is my first step towards that goal. Fun!

Taste buds are definitely changing. I used to balk at eating plain yogurt, but I have found that the Walden Farms O calorie foods have become a turn off. Yesterday I ate my Stonyfield Plain yogurt completely plain, and savored the lack of sweetness and the tart tang - no small change. Since I did want to bulk up my milk with ice, rather than add a store bought syrup with Splenda, I added vanilla and orange extract and two bags of stevia. The result was mild but satisfying.  What, no chocolate???  That's right. I am surprised, to say the least.

I measured today...2 inches off my "waist". (I really don't have a waist, never had - I've got a boyish build--  but I try to find the narrowest place between my breasts and my navel and put the tape there!

Tomorrw night I change my BEADS.

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