Friday, June 18, 2010

I've Got Milk!

First things first. I dropped another pound. Second, I woke up feeling fine, without any shakiness or weird feelings and (maybe because I took an aleve for muscle pain after working in the yard for 2 hours yesterday) I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee -not once!  (Unless I got up and a can't remember! LOL)  Third, I went to my stash of summer shorts that were relegated to the "can't button these" pile and put a pair on. They buttoned easily and I'm sitting here with them on, without feeling like the waistband is going to give me reflux!  How cool is that? Way cool, way cool.

Last night I made spaghetti squash with tomato sauce (homemade, no oil) for dinner. I felt normal satiation for the first time in 2 days. Maybe it was the familiarity of the sauce. My taste buds were really happy, even without the Romano.

I ate less than the 1  and 1/2 pounds of veggies allowed for the day. It's true, you just can't force yourself to eat more raw veggies when you feel full. I added half an avocado (now that I know I've got plenty of ounces to spare) to my lunchtime salad and that tasted great-- the creamy texture felt like a thick dressing. And I made a smaller bowl, so there was nothing left over for Puppy! LOL--okay, I tossed her a few pieces of romaine.

Puppy seems to be aware that I am doing something different. I wonder if my body is eeking out stinky detoxing smells that only a dog can pick up.  The night before last, she actually went into my husbands bedroom and got up on his bed to sleep. This is UNHEARD of. (I snore, we sleep separately, end of story.)  If dogs can alert you to an epileptic attack or can smell cancer --they must be able to smell toxic fat coming through your pores!

Last night I almost lost it. We went to an IRON PIGS game and I took my can of Zevia for comfort. But it seemed that everyone around me was out to sabotage my diet. French fries, funnel cake, hot dogs, port barbecue, popcorn - you name it, someone was eating it within 15 feet of me. Can you imagine the smells?
But the other thing I noticed? Living in funnel cake country, I've become somewhat immune to how overweight MANY people are, including myself.  Last night it was blatantly obvious. Studies have been done that show that body weight is highly related to the people who surround you --in other words, you are influenced by how others look and eat - and you tend to become the same. My husband got a soda, a pack of red licorice and a large pretzel -- surprising because we actually don't usually eat  at games. I asked him what was up and he said, "Two hamburgers (what he had for dinner) is not a very filling dinner." I responded with a touch of delirium--" A half  a pound of burger, two rolls, a piece of cheese and ketchup are not filling???? Then he said, "I guess I'm eating for you!"  LOL! I hope this diet plan isn't dangerous to his health! If  I lose 30, he'll gain 30?!!But I also promised myself I would do my very best not to make one more comment on his eating habits while I adjust mine. It's a very bad idea to get in that kind of a critical mode. You do what you do. If others want to follow, fine. If not, they aren't ready. Period.

Today is the start of the 2 day milk protocol. 20 ounces of milk between 12 and 6 PM. You can add Zero calorie syrups and make shakes and ice cream. I've got Walden Farms chocolate and maple syrups all lined up and I made the ice cream from raw whole milk two days ago. I also bought Walden Farms marshmallow fluff, peanut butter and raspberry jam. HA! 20 ounces of milk (2 1/2 cups) does not seem like anything close to a pound and a half of veggies and 2 fruits, so I guess I was getting nervous when I bought those things. My counselor assures me that once the acupressure beads kick in fully, I may not even want that much...hmmm. That's an interesting thought.

I plan to do more yard work on this beautiful, sunny day. Being outside and working in my garden feels highly therapeutic. I'm engaged, moving, not sweating too much, (Which would mean losing water and possibly disturbing my electrolyte balance) enjoying the sights, smells and sounds and I'm still near a bathroom and a pitcher of water. Yesterday I consumed the 11 -12 glasses of water; the recommended one half your body weight in ounces. My bladder is wondering if I'm trying to put out a fire. 

The Listserve support group I have access to as part of this plan has been helpful- but it also contains pitfalls for beginners, I think. There are people who have been very successful who cheer you on and have a wealth of recipe tips. And there are people who haven't done so well, who are basically whining and crying about it. Reading their posts can be unnerving, so I decided I would avoid them. There are stages of change: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Action and Maintenance. The whining people are still in Contemplation phase, trying to do the diet. They're not committed. Been there. Its a very frustration phase. I feel committed. That's why I could go to someones house and watch them eat dinner and be perfectly happy with a glass of ice water and the conversation. Blessed Be.

And a chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow sundae at noon.

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