Friday, June 18, 2010

EMERGENCY! Life is a box of (Fattening) chocolates, you never know what yur gonna get

You might assume that I did a drive by at a Josh Early's and got sucked out of my car window by the smells of chocolate turtles or cherry cordials. But that's not the case. I was happily out pruning my bushes again, and making veggie stock on my stove when I got a phone call from my eldest son. Seems he's just about  severed his finger and he was at the emergency ward --and wanted some support. So I turned off the stock, locked the doors and poured one cup of whole milk in a thermos and took off -- he's a half hour away and I figured I better be prepared.

Now, he's okay - though brooding over the loss -- he can't play ball for two weeks. The doc put 12 stitches in his finger and glued his nail back on. He has a fracture but he didn't sever any muscles or tendons. ( he's not a kid, he's over 30.) So I took him to his car and told him I needed to get home to try out my ice-cream. He noticed that I was thinner!  But only for second-- he was deep into his own problems of the moment.

Sooooo. The cool thing is that yesterday I was wondering if I could handle having my granddaughter over while on this diet. She's still a terrible 2 and requires a lot of attention. Plus, just last night I was brooding that I could take the food stuff, but I could not handle not feeling good - and that I wanted to feel as good as I did before I started this damn diet (mood) - as good as I felt driving to Boston and back my myself last weekend, singing away with my Across the Universe CD. And you know what? There I was, post emergency room, riding along in my car, singing away. I"d had 1 cup of milk in the last 18 hours and I wasn't a bit hungry. I felt great.

In fact, while gardening, I felt so good that I started fooling around, not just with weeding and pruning, but with the more creative aspects of my garden - the little things I place around for more ambiance. I hadn't felt like doing  that for two years -- that's a real sign of feeling very, very good, of feeling expansive and on automatic "humnnnn." Cool.

The hard part was going inside and gettingthe  ice milk out-- which was hard as a rock. I had to microwave it to get a spoon into it and it was grainy and really didn't taste that good. While trying to work with it, I became a bit anxious and shaky as my mind flew to such questions as "Is this all I get to eat today?" or "What do I crunch on?"  or "2 1/2 cups? That's it? What will I do at dinner?" etc. etc.  My mind was making me shake, not my body. My body was having a fine time gardening and driving and going to the emergency ward. It's the mind-body-food connection that's tripping me up.

But I think I can deal with it. I took a sip of plain, fresh milk. Hey this is raw milk with lots of fat and enzymes and I don't want to waste the value of that with a microwave or even a 0 calorie chocolate, I realized.  I went back out to garden, I strained my stock and took the veggies to the compost heap. And I made chili for my husband's dinner. Not a bad day. And I hear you lose even more weight after Milk days...

I found a recipe for garlic soup on the web-- just milk, garlic, onion, xantham gum and a spice or two. That will be dinner, with some decaf and milk, perhaps. and a popsicle made from zevia rootbeer. I can handle that.

I'm getting in the groove and I can already feel my knees thanking me.

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