Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Dog Ate My Salad

I know, it sounds too ridiculous to be true. After carefully measuring and weighing out 12 ounces of salad stuff, I found I could only eat about half and realized I could stop eating and have the rest later. I left the room for minute --salad bowl open--and as usual got distracted. When I came back I saw zucchini and portobello mushrooms on on the floor, the rejects from my cock-a-poo's mad cache and dash!  She ate the grated carrot, the romaine lettuce and the cauliflower. I don't know exactly how much I ate. There are 2.3 ounces left. LOL!!!  (Or should I be crying? I'm a little lightheaded right now)  I guess I can fake it for the rest of the day...but it certainly threw me a curve ball. Live. And Learn.

The good news is that while searching beneath the potholders and towels for the Popsicle maker (Made Zevia Ginger Beer Popsicles anticipating the 93 degree weather on Saturday) I found all kinds of great kitchen gadgets I'd relegated to that netherworld of seldom used stuff. I didn't know that my Pampered Chef cheese grater could shred carrots! Yippee. I was looking for something better than my mandolin, which shreds my knuckles.

I also found a P.C. ripple cutter, a knife sharpener and the rest of the Popsicle sticks. I hung a heart shaped cookie cuter  on a refrigerator magnet next to the sign that says, "Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels." -- we'll see about that.

I spent time neatly arranging some of my stash in a seldom used Pampered Chef crudites "thingy" --I know I often forget about veggies and fruits in the vegetable bins until they've shriveled up or gotten slimy. But not now! I also took the raw milk and yogurt and made two batches of ice milk/yogurt with my Oprah induced purchase of a bright red Ice Cream maker that I bought, used about 3 times and then stuffed in the back of a cupboard. I still works as well as it did-- stuff sticks to the inside and it's very hard to get out, but I made an effort, waiting till that part melted and put up two ice milks in the fridge for milk days-- chocolate and maple. (Walden farms 0 calorie syrups)
I have a belated birthday date tonight-- my friend wanted to know what she could make me for dinner! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I told her not to worry about it -- a diet coke would be fine. If I was hungry, I'd bring something....

OK--gotta pee....AGAIN.

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