Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quick Veggie Feasts

Hey, I'm getting good at this:

Keeping the fridge full of fruits and veggies without letting everything rot!
Making a meal for two people -- one that is vegan and one that is not!

Roasted cauliflower, wise fries, avocado
Fish for my husband and his baked potaaaahto
Fruit in cup with peaches and grapes
Pineapple, melon and ......hmmmmm. can't rhyme it..

But there is something about the meal that leaves my palate aching still. I wonder if you ever get over that? Is that detox talking? Or a legitmate need for something else, like protein or fat. I figure it's still the attraction for former foods that the palate is gunning for, and coming up short.

I got a fasting blood test done today -- the woman only had to stick me once - HALLELUJAH.
My veins are very hard to see, despite drinking lots of water, lifting weights etc. I've been stuck as many as 8 times in the arms and hands by people trying to draw my blood. But some people really know how to do it. This woman did. And she talked about turtles while she did it...we shared St. John V.I snorkeling stories.

Humming along today. My counselor suggested I get lactose intolerance capsules to use with my raw milk because it seems that may be part of my problem.  I may not be able to access the protein in the milk---so that's something I'll pick up tomorrow at the health food store.

Sunday I am going on an almost all day garden tour that starts with a reception and ends with one-- covering both my meal times. It was supposed to be a milk day-- but someone bought me these tickets and to refuse to eat anything there would seem quite a let down I think. There should be veggie sushi and crudite and fruit, so my counselor didn't like it, but she told me to just do two veggie days (skipping the milk day) and then back to two milk days. In the first two weeks, she says, they prefer you don't mess around like this. But by then, I've been on the program for 12 days, and very successfully so I'm not too concerned about it. I don't plan to eat any of the other tempting treats, nor will I drink the champagne based fruit friend can use my ticket. Hopefully she'll still be able to drive!

Photo is of pineapples growing at the Dole Plantation in Hawaii -- couldn't seem to get it rotated!


  1. Did you mean you are NOT able to get the protein from raw milk? Have you ever been lactose intolerant before? Just curious.

  2. I was told once that I was "allergic" to milk by a skin test...but those skin tests showed me allergic to almost everything I ate regularly. By blood testing, I am only allergic to scallops. (yes I mean, not able-- will fix) As far as I know have not been, but my counselor says some estimates are that 80 percent of adults are lactose intolerant to some degree. As we age, we have fewer stomach enzymes, so doing a whole day of just milk and yoghurt may have shown a vulnerability-- however, it could also be the amount of artificial sweetener I use on those days...something I don't use frequently.
