Yesterday I had my 3 year old grandaughter, who, having stayed overnight -- which means only partial sleep for me- stayed with me the rest of the day. We had lots of fun doing a variety of out door things - nothing vigorous for me but I was active. I had eggs and sausage for breakfast and we snacked on nuts then I took Zoe to McDonalds as she said she'd like to have a burger and we were nearby. She had fries and a cheeseburger and I ordered a Latte on Ice with sugar free vanilla syrup and a quarter pounder. (I have Never orderd a quarter pounder before.) THe latte was a bust because I really can't stand strong coffee...I threw it away for water. I tossed the top of the roll and felt guilty eating real catsup and the skimpy bottom half - well - not guilty exactly -- more like concern. I snitched a few fries from Zoe before they got cold. I was still feeling really hungry. So I ordered ANOTHER quarterpounder-- tossing the top of the roll again (which is 3 times the size of the bottom half.) - For afternoon snack I had an Atkins Indulge Bar (like a baby snickers) and after dropping Zoe off at 3:30, and going grocery shopping, I ate a Breyers Carb Smart icecream bar on the way home. I considered it a fully indulgent, Junk Food Day. Not a lick of salad, My only vegetable was the pickle on my burger.
Somehow, I got a second wind, and starting cleaning the bathrooms, vaccuming and sweeping the patio for Zoe's b-day party on Saturday. Dinner time rolled around and I wasn't hungry and my husband wasn't coming home, so I decided not to eat. Around 8 PM -- still not hungry, but a little restless, I ate half of Zoe's leftover banana with peanut butter on it. THen I drank some water and watched my son play baseball on TV. I felt like I'd taken a vacation from health eating for the day. So what a surprise when I hopped on the scale and was down to 185.4 --A pound lower than I've been since returning to Atkins. Go figure.
But the take away from this, for me, is-- maybe eating hearty protein at morning and lunch (With a few more veggies) and not eating much dinner really is a good idea for me. Though it's rare that I don't have to cook dinner --it doesn't mean I have to eat it and I wonder how often I AM eating it out of habit and circumstance, rather than hunger. So that will be my experiment for the next few days. Making sure I get ample protein and seeing if Dinner is extraeneous....why a meal when I small snack will do?

At 6:30 AM, the canal and river were misty with fog, with bright rays of sunshine crashing through. Beautiful. At 69 degrees. I didn't have my camera or cell phone camera-- so this picture from two days before will have to do.
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